The cast and crew, our families, friends and fans of the show celebrated the launch of the last episode of Out With Dad. At midnight on September 26th, 2014 all episodes went live at the same moment on To watch, follow the links below. We welcome to leave us comments!
3.15 “Vanessa’s Calm”
3.16 “Stressing Out”
3.17 “Out with PFLAG, Part III”
3.18 “Out with PFLAG, Part IV”
3.19 “Vanessa Meets Sera”
3.20 “Getting it Out”
3.21 “Vanessa Goes Home”
3.22 “With Family and Friends”
Actors Kate Conway, Lindsey Middleton, Caitlynne Medrek, Jonathan Robbins and series creator Jason Leaver will be guests on the 100th episode of Super Geeked-Up Live, on Wednesday, October 1st at 11pm EST. We’ll be talking about all sorts of geeky things – and we’ll surely discuss the future of Out With Dad. Be sure to tune in!
Hi guys,
i just realized that was the last episode. I watcher in September 26th. And I was in shock. I was and am definitely team \Clair, Anyway congratulations was a great job.
By the way I am lesbian and legally married to the most beautiful, smart and special woman in the planet and fortunately our family and friends were always supportive.But we testified so many sad and even tragic stories. Out With Dad is really important especially for homosexual and bisexual teens
Thank you for sharing with us!
Congratulations on marrying the most awesome person ever!
I couldn’t stop crying when Vanessa showed up on Rose’s door step and confessed her love!! THEY NEED TO BE TOGETHER NO MATTER WHAT. I’ve watched this from the start about three times because I’m obsessed and love it so much!! Out with dad needs to be recognised much much much more im a huge fan and you’ve done such an awesome job. Thanks to this I also have a big celeb crush on Lindsey! 😍😛 im 17 year old girl from New Zealand and I will love and share your web series forever with friends! Haha #teamvanessa #outwithdadrocks
Hiiiii!!! I’m Janaida, and I like the series. I don’t speak english, but I love this. So, I will go in portuguese. Eu amei demais este seriado e espero ansiosa para os próximos episódios. Não posso doar, mas posso visitar e compartilhar um dos seriados mais interessantes que já vi. Boa sorte a todos neste trabalho perfeito. Sou de Fortaleza, Brasil. Abraços a todos. 🙂
Loved season 3.3, , i would like to know anything you can tell everyone, about season 4. Thanks
Driving me bananas….first i want to absolutely commend this show! Love it! Love its message, love the actors, love everything.
That being said. I AM BISEXUAL! Mayby some people aren’t sure but no one can say what one’s sexuality is but themselves. I am absolutely appalled by anyone from the LGBT community saying someone who is bi is “confused”…after all a person goes through to come out, how dare you belittle their journey. I AM BISEXUAL, and to old to be confused. I like men and women equally. I’ve been in loving relationships with both. I see a person for their heart and soul. Not the plumbing…as any Transgender will tell you, isn’t what defines you. Please, do not become the heartless monsters thay try to force their definitions on us. #noh8 love to all. Be who you are and don’t let anyone tell you different! 😚💞
Wait,— what? I must have missed something. I’m lesbian and am very vocal on how I can’t wait until we get past labels and the gender of the person you love is irrelevant. I can’t remember anything that was said on Out with Dad that suggested that bisexuals are confused b/c I find that a very unenlightened view. Sexuality is a spectrum and most informed people know about the Kinsey scale. Labels exist to make other feel comfortable. Men seem to be more polarized, identifying as exclusively gay or hetero, but I’m sure there are exceptions. I *know* (and can give examples of) women who are heterosexual their whole lives and then meet that one special woman with whom they fall in love. I also know their are women who have identified as lesbian their whole lives who fall in love with one particular man. I can’t imagine that ever happening to me, but the whole world is not me writ large. I’m not talking about being pressured by society into conformity or being coerced by religious institutions or family. I’m talking about well-adjusted, mature people who discover something about themselves later in life and have experiences they’ve never had before. I just want people to be happy and it doesn’t threaten me in the least if someone steps outside the box in which people have placed them. People should only label themselves, if they choose, and not have labels foisted upon them.
IDK if this website sends notifications of responses, so I’m hoping that Michelle sees this b/c I’d really like to know what was said on Out with Dad that offended her. I don’t have time to go back and rewatch the second half of S3. Is there more to the story after Vanessa shows up at the birthday party?
sorry I meant clair Rose’s girlfriend
you guys did a great job on all the seasons with out with dad I noticed there was a actor change but it is OK. I am glad Vanessa came back home and went over to her best friends birthday that is a perfect timing to tell how she feels and I am proud of Vanessa for coming and remember her best friends birthday I know she almost forgot but she just realized when she almost attacked her best friend. But it’s sad that Rose girlfriend caught rose and Vanessa together and kissing and Roses girlfriend should understand you knew this was coming and her girlfriend should realize Rose always had anything for Vanessa and it’s hard to forget about your best friend when you’re around them 24 /7 yes I wish I grew up with a best friend but I didn’t. I am a lesbian I am proud to tell people I am but I have not told my family I don’t think my family is strict as Vanessa’s parents’s but I think my parents are kinda like Rose’s dad which other than my mother and my dad probably Nathan’s mother a little bit stronger I don’t think he would out and learn it will be disappointed that his little girl is gay. I am proud of all the homosexuals transsexual everything to come out I feel bad for a lot of them that got bullied just because they were born with what they came with yes I went through the phrase with being bisexual but that was not me yes some days do not appreciate bisexuals because are confused I agree with them but they have the right to come and support us because what they like so I’m proud with them I’ve been through the phrase with dating a bisexual and it was not pretty and I understand what Sarah was saying to Vanessa about bisexual.and I agree with sarah about that because with the definition of bisexual yes it’s between different sex you like bugs but it’s confused stage which I agree it is a confuse stage. But I hope you guys make a season 4 on out with dad. Here is an idea it’s a start where rose girlfriend caught the Vanessa and rose kissing like it was in season 3 on that last episode.and then Rose’s girlfriend takes off crying through the back way and everybody was confused what happened and then everything Vanessa and of course Rosa’s best friend I can’t think of this guys name but he finds out what it was by asking what happened privately and then they make up excuse for that she had to go home guess you found something disturbing that’s why she went home crying. But you guys can make different opinions but it’s a good start. I think on the next season I agree with one of the fans that Vanessa and Rose new start dating but they need to figure out what happened first and Roses gonna work it out with her girlfriend and end up being friends with her because I think its Britney but she needs to realize she bought herself in this she knew the day that they were in that bedroom and Britney seen those pictures on the wall of Vanessa and her she knew from the start that Rose was in love with Vanessa I couldn’t get over her yes like I said I’ve been through that phrase a little bit because I’ve been on my best friend forever a long time . I met her through work and I was a lot and my feelings build up with her but she was married yes it’s harsh and I regret that. I’m still friends with her I have no feelings for her we are just best friends I’m actually looking for somebody better Rose needs to talk to Brittany and can I make her understand that she always had a thing for Vanessa and always did and yeah Brittany will probably get upset about it but Rose need to give Vanessa SpaceI kind of think about it and then Britney will come around and apologize for everything and hoping they could still be friends and Britney will explain I should not of forced or get myself into something that I could get myself out I knew you probably had a thing for Vanessa or was in love with that I got myself involved with that I should have been there for you and everything. That’s why I think it should start out and then rose and Vanessa will be up in the room talking and Vanessa tells what happened and made her realize that she has four rOse but was scared so please make season for all fans about to go crazy and see what happens and see the for hopefully you make it this year in 2014. If not then make it around the beginning of 2015 we are excited to see what happens it season 4 and some of us what vanessa and roSe be together I have cried through some of these episodes because it was so sad what a lot of these people went through when I came out the we are all begging for a season 4 come out soon. I hope this t_v show or maybe will and up like south of nowhere a lot of us are upset about of south of nowhere because it continue please continue and make a happy ending at least make 10 seasons and then make it out of the movie but not cutting scenes thank you so much for a lot of people coming out the closet I do apologize for love you went through bullying and some probably made suicides I have heard of that like gays because a lot of people made suicides because of bullying. A lot of people need to realize it will get better and God will accept you no matter what as long as you believe in him and be good hearted and not evil.
Hola, sorry por no escribir en ingles , hablo poco ingles y no lo escribo bien ,espero puedan entenderlo.
Es una serie, genial; deseo que pronto puedan conseguir los recursos para continuar con estas historia que están llenas de tantos mensajes y en verdad me gustaría mas adelante poder narrar mi historia esperando que sirva de algo.
En verdad deseo que puedan volver con mas historias y sobre todo ver que decide rose creo que en el amor no se manda pero clarise no se merece esa traición.
me encanto gracias por ese final honestamente no me lo esperaba y espero que #TeamVanessa dure para siempre :3
Honestamente lo siento por claire pero tiene que entender que el amor es el amor jajajaja
valió la pena esperar 3 temporadas para este increíble final :3 !!
Saludos desde México.
When will portuguese legends?? Please <3 Brazil here! sorry for bad english 😛
Wonderful show!!! You hit on so many important topics! It was a pleasure to watch!
Thank you!!
Buffalo, NY
This is powerful stuff!!! Congrats to Jason and the wonderful actors…beautiful story lines for all ages, not just teens…but Jason, you owe it to the lesbian teens of the world to continue on with you story…it is so helpful to know that someone cares enough to get the message out there like you are doing…great job for the Canadian folks…you really care…keep up the good work and continue on! My vote is for Vanessa and Rose,,,they have such history together!
Best Regards from Dayton, Ohio
Even though I’ved waited too long – I’m really excited on how will the story will come
out on this season and It came out well . I love the twist and turn of the story the lessons of acceptance, accepting yourself and how to face your fears, the best of having true friends beside you and ofcoarse family. How i love to be like that I just hope I have the courage too to face my fears in front of everyone to came out and tell them who really am I.
The ending of the episode was great eventhough this was too painful to claire I know this would b hard for her seeing the girl she love so much being in love with someone else – I mean well… I wanna see the next season I will definitely wait .
Thank you for the wonderful story I loved it so much.
I love you guys , you’re so amazing doing this kind of series – I loved it so much.
A fan from Philippines 🙂
Noooooooooooooooooooooo I just finally started liking Claire and Rose together. I’ve always loved Vanessa and Rose but i thought that that was just a dream. Can i go cry now………
Like you I loved also Vanessa and Rose , Im starting to like also Claire I know this would be painful for her I almost cried when I watched the last episode, though happy to see Vanessa being with Rose. The next season would be the hard part for Rose she had to choose between Vanessa and Claire.
Wow! I cried almost the whole time. Even thou I’m a full grown adult, i haven’t come out yet to my family, i have to the closest friends, but it’s really hard when you are latina and live in an island full of “religious and traditional” people. I wish we had all the help, and support, but law makers here are like puppets, the let the church dictate what they think is right and wrong.
Hope this will change soon cause i want to marry my gf for 9 years and almost 4 months.
Donate please, we need more of this!
3.3 was definitely worth the wait, you guys did an amazing job with the acting, music, special effects, production & just.. It was all amazing. I was NOT ready for that ending though. I bet that alone would force people to be encouraged enough to make season 4 happen. All in all, great season. I look forward to seeing a season 4 (:
It was a long wait but absolutely worth it. As I said on FB, S3 is truly the best season so far and that’s saying something because OWD has been groundbreaking on so many fronts. Congratulations to you and the entire cast and crew. Best ending/cliffhanger EVER! Cannot wait for S4! – Tee
Well, what can i say? just amazing, congratulations, and tank you so much, i will be waiting the next season too, 🙂
Greetings from Costa Rica! Out with that is Pura vida!!
Well, what can i say? just amazing, congratulations, and tank you so much, i will be waiting the next season too, 🙂
Greetings from Costa Rica! Out with Dad is Pura vida!!
I’m a girl from Spain.
I have no words … to say what is your serie .. and it’s very rare in my … is a mind-bogglingly spectacular series, it helps to face the fears … the fears that we have faced and we face every day people who have come out of the closet, I congratulate you and I take my hats off for you.
Just wanted to ask if you plan to do a fourth season, because as I said before …. You help a lot ….. and look forward to more !!!
The best finish for the third season.
From Colombia :), I will be waiting for the next season.
Congratulations a very good job.