Picking up where we left off, Nathan’s worst fear comes true when he learns that Rose has been victimized at school. Meanwhile, Claire, Alicia and Nomee discuss the possibility of forming a Gay Straight Alliance at their school. Back home, Rose and Nathan discuss Rose being bullied, but also a lighter subject: her up coming birthday!
Watch the next episode here: 3.19 “Vanessa Meets Sera”
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Les épisodes de Out With Dad, sur cette chaîne, sont géo-cadenassés dans votre pays en raison de notre deal avec France Télévision. La plupart des épisodes sont déjà disponibles sur la page web de France4 : “Studio 4.0”. Les épisodes de la saison 3.2 arrivent bientôt sur cette page également. www.france4.fr/studio-4-0/webseries/out-dad
Kate Conway as Rose
Jonathan Robbins as Nathan
Caitlynne Medrek as Claire
Laura Jabalee as Alicia
Adrian Ellis as Robin
Aidan Gowland as Morgan
Alyssa Owsiany as Sam
Jennifer Kenneally as Marion
Harpreet Sehmbi as Nowmee
Music Composed, Produced and Performed by:
Adrian Ellis
Created, Written and Directed by:
Jason Leaver
Am I the only one who yawned when Rose and Nathan did?
Yawing really is contagious! 😛
Hahaha! We were all yawning while on set filming this scene. Glad to know it’s contagious for the audience too!
Here’s my review for this one. https://fedscomic.blogspot.com/2014/11/review-out-with-dad-318-out-with-pflag.html
Great review, as always, but that spoiler at the end…..
I am looking forward, as always, to your next review.
should put subtitles in Spanish, greetings from mexico!
In my section, the clarilemurs in band. AKA Clarinets. We were going to an American Football game yesterday and the only guy in the section said he doesn’t want a rainbow on our section T-shirts that we want to get because it means you’re gay. The conversation was interesting.
Friend/section leader: Why don’t you want a rainbow on the t-shirt?
Him: Because rainbows mean you’re gay.
Friend: So if we have rainbows on our t-shirts it means we’re lesbians?
Him: No.
Friend: Then why does it mean you’re gay?
Him: *Silence*
Me: Yea! Rainbows are awesome! Rainbows for the win!
Hmm…catholic schools banning rainbows…that sounds familiar. My high school was actually the one where there was speculation about banning rainbows there a few years ago. But all is well and I am now leader of our very own St. Joseph’s Safe Space Queer-Straight Alliance. ^_^ I can feel the change coming along.
So glad to hear that Chris! I hope more, especially around the world, follow suit.
That’s good news!
I’m happy to report that laws have changed here in Ontario since this was filmed, schools ate now required to allow GSAs of students want them. Things are changing for the better!