Vanessa finds some stability while staying at her brother’s as her and Matthew re-connect over breakfast.
This is an episode of Vanessa’s Story, the spin-off of Out With Dad shot in secret while filming the rest of season three. Vanessa’s Story episodes run in parallel to Out With Dad‘s episodes.
Watch the next episode here: 3.16 “Stressing Out”
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Les épisodes de Out With Dad, sur cette chaîne, sont géo-cadenassés dans votre pays en raison de notre deal avec France Télévision. La plupart des épisodes sont déjà disponibles sur la page web de France4 : “Studio 4.0”. Les épisodes de la saison 3.3 arrivent bientôt sur cette page également.
Lindsey Middleton as Vanessa
Neil Silcox as Matthew
Afshan Golriz as Fatima
Music Composed, Produced and Performed by:
Adrian Ellis
Created, Written and Directed by:
Jason Leaver
Mmm dry cereal XD
I’ll have to remember that for future video shoots lol
subtitulos em portugues por favorrrrrrrrrr
Subtítulos por favor! :'(
i love this series
congratulations for your job because i’m from portugal and your series is coming here
I’ve begun writing some reactions to the final 3rd!
As can be expected from Steven he has written yet another terrific review of an Out with Dad episode. This one covers 3.15 and Steven mentions something in his review about having never thought of Bi-Phobia amongst a lot of Gay Folks, and he made me realize that I hadn’t either.
Good job Steven! Huzzah to Herr Direktor Jason!
I love this episode with her super cool brother and sister-in-law.
I laugh at how the brother was totally clueless about the biphobia or some gays. I thought the same as him before (that it does not make sense) and how Sera (in the next ep.) explains why.
This show is sooo cool and I love it.
Kudos to you guys. 🙂
I love Vanessa me and my best friend fight about witch team we are… Well I’m team Vanessa all the way first loves are always the best.
I didn’t know that the cast from out with dad can comment here
You all are some AMAZING actors!<3 I look forward to see what happens later on down the road with y'all(: Keep up the great work! And by the way,you girls are adorable!
Very nice job of acting and so naturally done. But….eating dry cereal for breakfast?
Can’t wait to see the rest of the episodes.
Hey Spike! Lindsey here! Thanks for watching! And I actually eat my cereal dry in real life !!
*Blush* 56 years and this just shows that I don’t know everything.
Lindsey you go right on eating your cereal dry and I will egg you on while you do so!
Kudos to the composer for the great music in the Vanessa episodes. Not that the other music in the original series is not well done as well but the post rock sounding themes for Vanessa’s story is closer to what I listen to.
Thanks Samy, you should tune in to Super Geeked Up on Oct 1 at 11pm EST where the cast and Jason will talk about Out With Dad’s future among other things. Follow them on twitter @supergeekedup and stay tuned, we’ll of course post the links to watch via @outwithdad as well.
Oh, my god!! Please, I hope continue with the 4 season. Greetings!! This is the best!!!