Rose reacts to the school semi-formal, and how relationships change over time.
We continue the story of Out With Dad through Rose’s video diaries while we raise funds and prepare our third season production schedule.
This minisode was first available to our supporters who are members of our VIP Out With Dad private Facebook group. It went live to the public on January 31st, 2013. To find out how you can watch episodes early, visit for details.
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Kate Conway
Music Composed, Produced and Performed by:
Adrian Ellis
Created, Written and Directed by:
Jason Leaver
my friends not really change, the feeling between my friend and me was a bit weird at first but after my friend was ok with that she still my friend and I know for not a long time ago that she a lesbian too.
Las únicas personas en el mundo que no cambiaron su trato conmigo, son mis amigos y amigas. Están siempre conmigo, me escuchan, me aconsejan, y se esfuerzan para tratar de hacerme sonreír cuando estoy triste. Creo tener los mejores amigos del mundo 🙂
I really like this web serie! I recognize myself a lot in Rose… And, for the question, my friends didn’t change when I came-out to them… But, I only told to the ones I knew they were ok with gay people, so I can’t really say. I just want say again that I like this serie and that I can’t wait to the next season!! Keep doing it like you do, it’s helping a lot, I’m sure about that.
PS: Sorry for the possibles mistakes I did, I’m french and I speak a bad english.
The tears in her eyes :'(
Kate is such a really great actress!
ps: When comes the german subtitles for this vid and the “Supporting Out With Dad – a documentary” videos?
Hey. Ich meine, dass ich auf der YT Seite unter das Doku Video schonmal eine grobe Zusammenfassung gepostet hatte, als ich ein paar Minuten Zeit hatte. Ich könnte hier die Übersetzung des Diarys reinhängen, aber kann auch sein, dass OWD es noch richtig synchronisieren lässt. Ist derzeit nur ein privater Spleen meinerseits, Übersetzungswünsche des deutschen Publikums zu beantworten, wenn ich Zeit und Motivation habe 😉
Bin schließlich auch nur ein unbedarfter Zuschauer und froh, dass ich das meiste verstehe 🙂
Übersetzung des VD III:
Ich weiß nicht, warum ich mir das immer noch antue. Ich hab bis jetzt… naja, du weißt schon wessen Aktivitäten auf Facebook verfolgt. Sie und auch alle anderen haben Fotos vom Halbjahresball hochgeladen.
Ich bin nicht hingegangen. Sie ist jedenfalls mit Ryan Brown hingegangen, wie ich es mir schon dachte. Es sah so aus, als ob sie eine wirklich nette Zeit hatte. Das war das erste Mal, dass ich sie habe lächeln sehen, seitdem … ich kann mich nicht mehr erinnern. Ich befürchte ehrlich gesagt, dass das letzte Mal auf der Geburtstags-Party war, und das ist sozusagen vor einer Ewigkeit gewesen.
Claire war auch beim Ball, ich habe darauf bestanden. Sie wollte wirklich gerne gehen und Emilio (?) sagte, dass er sie begleiten würde. Ich bin froh, dass sie so nicht alleine war.
Kenny hat nicht ein einziges Wort über den Abend verloren. Ich weiß, dass er ein schlechtes Gefühl hat, weil ich selbst nicht zum Ball gegangen bin. Er ist ein wundervoller bester Freund.
Wir hatten immer diese Abmachung, dass der andere das Date sein würde, sollte man kein eigenes Date haben, es sei denn, man wäre nicht mehr Solo. Und nun gibt es Aleisha Van Haren, in die er kopfüber verliebt ist.
Sie ist hübsch, und alles. Aber sie ist so neugierig und irgendwie verstockt. Und ihre Freunde erst. Die sind so vorurteilsbehaftet.
Aber naja.. es ist komisch. Ich sollte froh sein, denn seitdem die beiden ein Paar sind denken nicht mehr alle, dass Kenny und ich was hätten. Aber nun sehen wir uns auch kaum noch. Wir verbringen nicht einfach nur ein bisschen Zeit miteinander. Alle meine besten Freunde machen ohne mich weiter. Ich denke, ich mache allerdings genauso ohne sie weiter
Frage: Haben sich die Beziehungen zu deinen (besten) Freunden verändert, seitdem du dich geoutet hast?
Oh, danke, danke ,danke :)))!
Ich verstehe mittlerweile auch das Meiste, aber manche Dinge verstehe ich völlig falsch, danke für die Mühe 🙂
I wrote a review of this one:
How… but like, HOW is it possible that every time I’m kindda down about something… you talk about that exact situation… losing friends… not because I came out to them, actually in that moment my bets friend was incredible with me… I lost my friend because now he’s on a relationshion with a boy, and they are very much in love, and I’m happy for him! but of course everything changes… and now well we just dont go out any more… welll like Rose says… my friends have moved on with out me… and I’ve moved on with out them,.. I dont know… is hard…
any way I just can say, thank you!! for everything you do, you’re definitely a big help for troubled hearts je je 🙂 greetings from mexico!! lots of hugs and love to Rose!! I love her je je
I lost my best friend too. Not because I came out to her, (she knew that before I met her and she’s ok with it), but because she’s afraid to fall in love with me, and we could never be together because of this stupid society! Now she’s going out with this guy she thinks she’s in love with, and they’re thinking of moving in together, and even getting married. I know that she’s making the biggest mistake of her life, I know something about him, and I know that he will hurt her. I love her too much to let this happen but I can’t tell her, she won’t believe me. She’ll think I’m saying this because I’m jealous or something like that. She’s so much into him right now that she’s not ready to hear anything. I don’t know what to do. She’s acting like a teenager, she’s happy, I don’t want to break her heart. I want to tell her before it’s too late, before she makes serious plans with him, but I don’t know if I should. I mean it’s not my place to say anything, right? I know that her and I will never be together, but I can’t let her be with him just because he’s a man, because that’s what society expects of her, because that’s what her family expects of her.
I don’t know why I’m saying all of this, it’s just that Out With Dad helped me a lot, and whenever I’m sad I watch the episodes again and I feel better. I feel that there’s someone out there who gets me. I wish there were series like this when I was a teen.
The story is amazing! the actors are doing an amazing job! Good Luck! Can’t wait for season 3!
Hey I luv this show it has helped me out so much I have jst came out nt ta everyone jst yet thy don’t need ta know I see ma self in wot rose is sayin ad this video has jst hit home whn I told ma friend I was gay she told me she wuld b there for me but now we never talk but now I’m in a better place thanks ta this show can wait ta see the next one.
Yes, I lost my best friend, it sucks. 🙁
My favourite video diary so far, I guess because you can relate to what Rose’s going through weather your a teen, youth or adult… some friendships can change over the time, specially in a coming-out process,
I guess there are friends that comes and goes and participate in your life during a certain periode, but there are a precious few that we should hold on to and fight for the friendship! Which ones are worth fighting for is what Rose and everybody should try to find out in our lifes!
Keep on the good work!! Greetings from Brazil!
This video diary is a very good one. I think most people who just came out are having difficulties to do the same stuff as before. Also that your closest friends act different around you. I can relate to that and some friends even move on without you. But there are always new people you can get to know.
Keep up the good work!
my favourite diary entry so far… great work from kate, she really makes me feel for rose… she seems so alone and really sends out the message that even though most people closest to you do accept you when you come out you can still feel lonely and like the only person on the planet going through this huge thing.
Aww. I wish Rose would have went.
And I hated when my friendships changed and that was even before I came out. All my friends has boyfriends or girlfriends, and I was the single one, I couldn’t hang out with any of them without being the third wheel.
As for relationships changing after I came out, none really did, except one friend. I told her I was gay, and she’s really religious so I was scared. She told me she still cared about me, and we’re still friends but at first it was really weird, She stop giving me hugs, and didn’t talk to me as much. But Now it’s back to normal, she even gave me an awesome hug, after us not seeing each other for about a month.
I’ll just repeat what I’ve written on facebook: I wanna hug her! She’s so feeling alone… :'(
where do I go to vote for team Rose Vaness!!!!!!!!!!!!!????????????
Awesome to see and hear from you again! We are excited about the Video Diary as well as the third season. Last year we also contributed to the show as friends, unfortunatly we never received the invitation to the VIP facebook group or a postcard?
Best wishes from Germany
Lena & Kathrin!
Sorry about that. I’ll send you an email right now!
A really lovely performance here. Not over done – still emotive. Nice work!