Your next mid-season finale. Rose and Kenny discuss Vanessa’s runaway some more, but are interrupted by Claire who’s furious about homophobic Brittany Robinson. Unfortunately, Rose has an encounter with Brittany too – and it goes far beyond harsh words.  Please note: this episode contains triggers, as written in the drop box to the right.

Trigger Warnings (contains spoilers)

 Viewer discretion is advised. This video contains physical bullying, violence, humiliation.

Upozornění pro diváky: Toto video obsahuje fyzickou šikanu, násilí a ponížení.

Attenzione, questo video potrebbe urtare la sensibilità dello spettatore. Contiene atti di bullismo, violenza fisica e verbale.

Deze video kan schokkende beelden bevatten. Bevat fysiek pestgedrag, geweld, vernedering.

Attenzione, questo video potrebbe urtare la sensibilità dello spettatore. Contiene atti di bullismo, violenza fisica e verbale.

Deze video kan schokkende beelden bevatten. Bevat fysiek pestgedrag, geweld, vernedering.

Attenzione, questo video potrebbe urtare la sensibilità dello spettatore. Contiene atti di bullismo, violenza fisica e verbale.

This isn’t the first time Rose has had dealings with Brittany. The first time we met her, was during long-distance running last school-year in episode 2.11 “Out with Doubts”. You can revisit that episode to the left.


When is the next episode?

The truth is, we don’t know. We’d love to release them in May, but probably more likely June. If you visit our “When is the next episode?” page, you’ll see the reason: we’re still short on our budget. You can help us by donating to our post-production fund, or by sharing our series.
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Les épisodes de Out With Dad, sur cette chaîne, sont géo-cadenassés dans votre pays en raison de notre deal avec France Télévision. La plupart des épisodes sont déjà disponibles sur la page web de France4 : “Studio 4.0”. Les épisodes de la saison 3.2 arrivent bientôt sur cette page également.


Kate Conway as Rose
Corey Lof as Kenny
Caitlynne Medrek as Claire
Chandler Loryn as Brittany Robinson

Jonathan Robbins as Nathan

Music Composed, Produced and Performed by:
Adrian Ellis

Created, Written and Directed by:
Jason Leaver