Trigger Warnings (contains spoilers)
Spectateurs sensibles, s’abstenir. Cette video contient agression sexuelle, violence, abus de mineur, jurons, usage implicite de drogue, boisson.
Upozornění pro diváky: Toto video obsahuje sexuální napadení, násilí, sprostá slova, nepřímo zobrazené užití drog a pití alkoholu.
Attenzione, questo video potrebbe urtare la sensibilità dello spettatore. Contiene violenza sessuale, abuso di minore, linguaggio esplcito, riferimenti all’uso di droga e alcol. Deze video kan schokkende beelden bevatten.
Bevat aanranding, geweld, misbruik van een minderjarige, schelden, geïmpliceerd drugsgebruik, het drinken van alcohol.
Attenzione, questo video potrebbe urtare la sensibilità dello spettatore. Contiene violenza sessuale, abuso di minore, linguaggio esplcito, riferimenti all’uso di droga e alcol.
Deze video kan schokkende beelden bevatten. Bevat aanranding, geweld, misbruik van een minderjarige, schelden, geïmpliceerd drugsgebruik, het drinken van alcohol.
This is the third episode of Vanessa’s Story, the spin-off of Out With Dad shot in secret while filming the rest of season three. Vanessa’s Story episodes run in parallel to Out With Dad‘s episodes.
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Les épisodes de Out With Dad, sur cette chaîne, sont géo-cadenassés dans votre pays en raison de notre deal avec France Télévision. La plupart des épisodes sont déjà disponibles sur la page web de France4 : “Studio 4.0”. Les épisodes de la saison 3.2 arrivent bientôt sur cette page également.
Lindsey Middleton as Vanessa
John Cianciolo as Kyle
Katherine Fogler as Kayla
special appearances by:
Kate Conway as Rose
Jonathan Robbins as Nathan
Caitlynne Medrek as Claire
Kelly-Marie Murtha as Angela
Music Composed, Produced and Performed by:
Adrian Ellis
Created, Written and Directed by:
Jason Leaver
I continue my reviews here:
Gosh, as usual, Steven is such a good reviewer and I really have really enjoyed reading each of his reviews of the story so far. As I have read each review I am brought back to each scene vividly as he describes them. That doesn’t often happen for me, so I really appreciate his insight.
Good job, Steven!
As creepy as kyle is he makes good points. Most gays WILL NOT accept Bi’s and I’ve seen it before, which is so ridiculous, because at one point or another they weren’t accepted either. Why can’t we all just be treated equally. Love is Love.
That was a powerful episode that nneded to be done. I’m so glad that Vanessa had the strength to fight off the creep who was obv. in it for what he could get.
I see people saying why can’t she gp tp her brother. I’m sure it was said in previous season that both Vanessa & the brother don’t know where he is.
I’m still surprised Rose hasn’t tried to find her with Kenny.
🙁 poor Vanessa.
Those things are happening in REAL LIFE.
Thank you so much for doing this amazing job. And Sharing to the WORLD the reality of many LGBT teenagers
I’m constantly afraid that someone very dear to me will end up like Vanessa. We can only hope that Vanessa will be ok and i hope my dear friend will be too.
:O Poor Vanessa
Wow…Vanessa’s story is incredibly hard for me to watch…I am the dad of a 13 y.o. girl and her vulnerability and pain is so true to life.
Maybe because I remember how tough those times could be this story is something I can relate to. Real humans dealing with people taking advantage of the naive and weak. I just want to reach out and protect Vanessa from all the bad things that are potentially going to happen to her.
Funny as it is to say, she’s going to half to swallow some of her pride and either return home, seek out a real friend (Rose, although I really like Claire) or find her brother or some other outlet where she can be safe.
OWD folks you guys have got this thing nailed. The acting is really, really good and while it took me a bit to become comfortable with the new Jo-Nathan he’s grown on me as well. Good job, y’all!
Thank you for commenting Spike. It brings me great joy to know that fathers are watching this show. One of my greatest dreams when I first began the journey of making Out With Dad is that parents would watch this series.
Guys! Every episode is so real!! <3 u!
Vanessa doesn’t even have it as bad as some people out there. She wasn’t rejected by Rose. She wasn’t rejected by her peers (probably because she started running away before anyone could find out, though seeing people’s reaction to Rose’s outing she would likely have been accepted by most). She was rejected by her mother (and her father had yet to accept her or stand up to her mother) but she wasn’t thrown out of the house. Yet she keeps running away.
I can’t blame everything on her though. She’s very afraid. As well perhaps she is missing something that she needed to face this fear. Something in her genetics perhaps? Some event in her childhood that would have given her the confidence she needed if it had happened but didn’t? Maybe if she felt she had a more loving and supportive environment?
This irrational fear is something that society at large has seeded within her and has grown into what it is now. None of us live in a vacuum and so we are all affected by the things around us to some degree or another. All of this pain and suffering is just a symptom of an illness deep within society.
More people need to see the world for what it is. Get their heads out of their little boxes. Abandon their narcissistic delusions. Stop the black and white thinking. Stop expecting everyone to conform to unrealistic models. We are who we are. Why is it so hard for people to live and let live? Why is it so hard for people to accept one another for who we are? Why is it so hard for people to respect one another and respect each other’s boundaries?
wow that was amazing im glad that out of there quick and stuff i hope see goes the find rose house and not go back there . and pulse she left her jacket
nice episode!!! I liked so much!!! But I still think Rose should to find Wanessa!!
Every day I fall in love with more for Out Dad
This was so good. It’s just keeps getting better. I have an abusive father and when I started watching this show I would fantasize that Nathan was my father it got me to a place where I could stop making excuses for him and realise it was wrong while simultaneously helping me accept my sexuality. This show and these characters have changed my life in more ways than you will ever know I’m so grateful it saved my life
Kayla was right…… during the whole encounter Vanessa had with Kyle, the only thing I was thinking was, “Oh my god, he is such a creep!”
This was s good and so sad! After she saw rose i spent the rest of the episode just yelling at my computer for her to just run to rose cause she knows where she is.
Wow… I get so much for reading those comments… I didn’t even realize that Vanessa was still pretty close by… and that Vanessa discovered Rose, and Rose did look up. Maybe that was the reason why she got up and had to go to the toilet… I think I have to re-watch the previous episode now… I didn’t actually think that those separate stories was very connected.
When is the next episode and is there any place on the website to keep track of this ??
Love the episode i didnt even see Rose looking at Vanessa in the last episode had to go back and watch it again !! I love how Vanessa and Rose’s stories mirror each other in that they are complete opposite, it just shows the reality for people in both ways 🙂
Good episode! Really liked it that Rose looked back. The other part was scary, but good that Vanessa could run away.
That was so scary! But it was really well done!
The first place I would go in a big city like that is a church, esp. a UCC (United Church of Christ) or Episcopal Church (there may also be an MCC in Toronto) that welcomes LGBT people as they are. Of course, Vanessa may not know this. About 8 years ago my housing was insecure and I remember the first night that I expected to sleep in my car. I knew that the UU Church had a potluck on the First Friday of the month, and I thought, “I wonder if I can hide in the Church and spend the night there after everyone leaves? But they probably have an alarm system and the last thing you need is to set that off.” But I got a good meal at the potluck and then played some boardgames afterwards, and as midnight approached, I saw a bunch of young people coming in carrying sleeping bags. It turned out that there was some event that weekend, and the people from out of town were sleeping at the church! I almost could not believe the timing! So I went into the lounge, took off my shoes, laid down on the couch and covered myself with my coat to stay warm. The building superintendent saw I was in there, and quietly closed the door, so I had the room to myself all night. The next morning I got up and he was there and asked how I slept. He didn’t even question why I was there! And he knew I was a local person. I got some coffee, thanked him, and left. IDK, maybe I have a charmed life or something. Besides the above denominations, Presbyterian or Methodist churches would be able to get her into a shelter and tell her where she can find free meals (and may host some themselves). Back when I literally had no money for food, I would go to free community meals all over Columbus and sometimes ate twice a day! There are good churches that feed people w/o preaching to them. She could also see if there is an LGBT Center in that city, and contact them asking for help. NO ONE is going to turn away a teenage girl who obviously is not on drugs and has nowhere to go. There is an Interfaith Hospitality Network here and different faith communities set up a rotating schedule to host homeless women & children in their church buildings. Surely Toronto has these kinds of resources, too. But you gotta look for opportunities and you gotta ask for help.
I wonder the same thing someone else already said,… Why didn’t Vanessa go stay with her brother?
Wow talk about getting intense but I loved it great episode. And wow Rose did turn around and see Vanessa that must’ve been hard for both of them:(
That was intense and fairly frightening. I was terrified for Vanessa when Kyle tried to forced himself on her. Relieved she escaped but it brings up a whole new problem. Where is Vanessa going to go now? Is her older brother who no longer talks to the family still in the area? Would she be able to go to him maybe? And what about her glimpse of Rose on her double date with her dad, Claire and Angela? That must have been painful for Vanessa to see. This series just keeps getting better and better.
Wow, esto estuvo bastante fuerte. Es íncreible el trabajo que hacen. Me parece fantástico el hecho de que muestren tanto el lado bueno ( la fortuna que tiene Rose al tener un padre comprensivo ) como el lado malo ( la falta de apoyo por parte de la familia de Vanessa ). Sigan así…
INTENSE message. Thank You. Greetings from Panamá
Wow no words can say how i feel i know how she feels but not all people that happens to are lucky to get away but you think how lucky some people are i love this show it true and that why i love cant wait till the next episode
Thank you for showing the other side as well. Not only the understanding father and the feeling that all will be fine. Thank you for showing the dark and devastating side also. Thank you for showing the possible harm done to those of us who do not have the luck Rose had with her father.
Being yourself sometimes is not easy but you are not alone. There are others like you and there is help. Dont give up!
Thanks Jason
So it was Vanessa that rose saw when she looked back in the last episode 3×11. I knew it when saw rose turn back cause she had that look off I just saw a she thinkbshe didnt but wasnt sure it was Vanessa..Man this show just keeps getting better and better.
i know how you mean when i first watched it i was like thats Vanessa and then the next one i was like got to defiantly see if it was hehe its amazing i love there work 🙂
was connected or just seeing stuff hehe
I know it was was like rose got the feeling to turn around and she did..just showed how big a connection they had..rose sensed vanessa..