Rose and Dad are catching up while play catch on Toronto’s Centre Island. While dropping ball on some secrets, the biggest shock comes to them when they get home and someone is waiting for them.
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Les épisodes de Out With Dad, sur cette chaîne, sont géo-cadenassés dans votre pays en raison de notre deal avec France Télévision. La plupart des épisodes sont déjà disponibles sur la page web de France4 : “Studio 4.0”. Les épisodes de la saison 3.2 arrivent bientôt sur cette page également.
Kate Conway as Rose
Jonathan Robbins as Nathan
Robert Nolan as Steven
Wendy Glazier as Theresa
Music Composed, Produced and Performed by:
Adrian Ellis
Created, Written and Directed by:
Jason Leaver
I went to Centre Island yesterday, and the while I was on the ferry I was thinking of this episode as well as all the childhood memories of going the island in summers past.
Awe! That’s amazing!
Too bad summer seems to think it’s over already, eh?
I have (finally) posted my thoughts about this episode:
Nice review and I must say I’ve missed seeing Steven’s thoughts.
Saben si lo van a subir a youtube? es que nose por que no me deja verlo sub busco lo de CC y no lo veo por ningun lado…
Sigo la serie desde la 1era temporada… Es genial, los felicito y les agradezco de corazón por el buen trabajo que hacen… Saludos desde Argentina!
Wow… Vanessa’s father seems really genuine. I kind of suspect it’s mainly her mother that was pushing her away.
Good to see that things can turn out well for Vanessa too… even tough it may become hard to get in contact with her for people now.
Nice to see that the shows are somehow connected even tough they are separated.
Phenomenal acting, producing, and scoring at the end there. Top-notch.
This may be my favorite season yet! I really relate to Vanessa’s family situation.
I’d like that Vanessa and rose had a chance stay together!
They form a beautiful couple!!
The first love happen for all.
For me it was no different. <3
I am sorry by grammar! ^^
why this episode is not available in france??? Do we have to wait the diffusion on studio 4.0? Why the first episode of vanessa’s story was available and not this one… I’m so sad : ( …
I just love this series!! I can relate to it so much that! This episode brought me to tears… Keep up the good work
Congratulations OWD for a great episode! This is my first time commenting on this show since it’s first season but I have watched you since day 1 and I have supported you entirely and now I do not regret at all the fact that I have. I see yo have touched the subject of bisexuality being “just a phase” or “transition”. It is, indeed, a very touchy subject as a lot of bisexuals are angered by this. I, as a bisexual, have not particularly been angered/annoyed by people when they said “it could be just a phase” as I always supposed it is their way of dealing with the fact that my sexuality has been revealed to them. I have not been mistreated for being bisexual, in fact, everyone accepted me with no problem (even my parents) so I am one of those lucky people but to see and to know that there are so many teenagers out there who are running away/being kicked out because of their sexuality is just heart breaking. You, Out With Dad, bring to our hearts and eyes a story (or should I say stories as of now) that is real, rough, raw, pure, funny, sad, true, untrue and yet real. This is why I watch this series; because it brings realism but sometimes, it brings such happiness (whether it’s through realism or not) and that is what makes this series very good. I wish you best of luck! I may not be Canadian (I’m actually Romanian) but I am very proud that this series is a Canadian series! (I am in love with Canada, btw). Thank you, again, for the feelings you release with each episode. 🙂
WOW! really good show. I started to wacth ot yesterday and im hooked! so great! keep going. im from israel.
why not have subtitles in Portuguese? I’m from Brazil, this series is amazing <3
Mariana, eu por acaso assisto a series e poderia fazer as legendas em português. So precisaria de alguém para revisar depois. Parece ate fácil mas sincronizar a fala com a legenda leva um bom tempo!
Ps: O que me chamou atenção foi o fato da serie ser canadense. Eu estive em Toronto anos atrás em intercambio e ver a serie me relembra os bons tempos de Canada. Mas a historia eh realmente legal.
Powerful episode. My stomach nearly dropped when Rose asked if it was her mom’s fault.
OWD has grown so much from your first season, it’s in a great way though. I love that you are showing scenario’s that would unfortunatly happen in real life. I hope that their is a happy ending for all the three girls although I think someone is going to be broken hearted. I’m still on #teamclaire though lol
Subtítulos en ESPAÑOL
Subtitles (CC) elegir “ES”
Si no agarra enseguida, volver a intentar. Y así…
I just want to say that this series has helped me so much to come to terms with what I really want. I was very confused and did not know what to think …
much love from Munich, Germany and keep the good work up.
love Marie (18)
I don’t understand, why she cry for Vanessa?
I love this history.
Thank you for posting the episode 8 so fast. The story is getting better every day.
beijos from Brazil.
I’m a fan from Turkey. My English is not very well actually but I want to so so much watch this series. Actors and actresses acts so native. The script is so successful. Thanks to everyone. Lots of love from Turkey.
If they recently moved and Rose has had no contact with Vanessa… then how did they know their phone number or address?
My Dear Zeke, They moved changing houses not city or country. Vanessa and Rose still studying in the same school and share the same group of friends. So is not hard to get the actual address.
I cried a river!!! Beautiful episode!!!! I love this amasing serie!!!
amo esta serie ya quiero el capitulo siguiente
Omg first you had me laughing and then the next moment I was almost crying. I really can’t wait to see how Rose deals with this. Will she try to look for her or just hope for the best?
So sad!
I’m french and I can’t watch it. Please do something ! 🙁
Seeing Vanessa’s dad like that was heartbreaking. I can’t wait for the next episode.
Hey im from sweden! I love this serie! Its so good
So many feels
Fabulous, fabulous episode even though it deals with such difficult emotions. I have to say, the acting in Out with Dad is *really* good!
Hello !
I’m from France and I use to follow out with dad but unfortunately I can’t watch it anymore because of a geographic restriction with dailymotion, I don’t understand why it happen now…. :'(
Can you do something ???
Thanks from France
Bonjour Marie!
Our episodes are blocked in France so that your France Television may have exclusivity in your country. I will be delivering these new episodes to them at the end of the month, and they will release them on their own online platform, like the rest of the series.
You can watch Out With Dad in France here:
Oh my god, it’s so wonderful what you are all doing, thank you so much. I am from Salzburg/Austria and what you all did is you connect the whole World from Canada to Oz, you got Fans all over the World, that’s realy amazing. Thank you sooooooo much
Thank you ! This reminds me so much of my own teenage years.
Regards from the Netherlands,
Marjanne, 56, happily married to my Renate
Thanks for making me tear up!!!
I mean I CAN’T SEE the video is blocked
Why can’t I watch it in France??
moriré, que capitulo tan feliz y taaaan triste!!!
Can rose and Vanessa finally get together now I mean I like Claire but there’s nothing like your first love can’t wait for next episode
I love this so much but im hoping that now that rose knows vanessa has run off she will look for her and they will rekindle that flame they had between them im so team vanessa here!!!
That would be great.
That’d be the dream.
I’m hook with this… can’t wait for what’s gonna happen next.
Cuando pondrán los subtítulos en español? Sería genial! (:
Ya los tiene, en la esquina izquierda superior del video hay un botón que dice “CC” presionálo y te dará la opción de subtítulos en ESP. Saludos!
BRAVO! Thank you for this amazing show! Greetings from Panamá
Is there an episode with subtitles?
it have subtitles, go to the top left of the video, you will see a “CC” button, press that and you’ll be able to choose whatever subs you want. Cheers
Oh my god, what an amazing episode! I wish the episodes went for longer. But I know funding is an issue and such. Ah, love this show!
Out With Dad just keeps getting better.. And cant wait to see what happens next. I’m a huge fan. The last three episodes have brought me to tear.. Keep up the good work. Cause yall are truly amazing
Triste pero me encanta este episodio y espero que sigan así. Felicitaciones!!
Ohhh…. wow!