Days since the events of the previous episodes, and something is different at school… soon Rose is mortified to discover she has become suddenly famous.
But it’s Vanessa’s life that is really falling apart. No best friend, no girlfriend and parents who refuse to let her be herself.
What do you think Vanessa is going to do next?
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Kate Conway as Rose
Lindsey Middleton as Vanessa
Corey Lof as Kenny
Caitlynne Medrek as Claire
the return of
Robert Nolan as Steven
Wendy Glazier as Theresa
guest starring
Elizabeth Stuart-Morris as Jenni/Lizzie
Chandler Loryn as Brittany
Carolyn Nettleton as Defensive Girl
Anjelica Ong as Sympathetic Girl
Britany Miranda as Sarcastic Girl
Michael Esposito II as Sarcastic Guy
Music Composed, Produced and Performed by:
Adrian Ellis
Created, Written and Directed by:
Jason Leaver
I write up a review for this episode. It took me longer than my other reviews, as I was having a hard time coming up with the words to express what I was thinking. Hopefully, it all makes sense. It’s the greatest strength of this show, in my opinion, that it gives one so much to think about.
I can’t say this enough, if you haven’t stopped by Steven’s blog and read his reviews…go now and do it. They’re really good. He’s a big, big fan and his thoughts have spurred my own.
Good job Steven!
OMG, i really love this serie! Vanessa and Claire are SO CUTE <3 Is a real life of an lesbian adolescent. I wish you keep working on it!
Omg!! I thons that Vanessa is falling in love with Rose but she dosen’t want to admit….she wants just talk about this situation to someone…
Finally Vanessa stood up for herself. What an incredible powerful episode. Keep the good work up guys!!
It wasn’t the first time that Vanessa was wearing two different socks 🙂
She also did it in the first episode of the first season and in the first episode of the third season!
Greetz from Belgium!!!!
This was THE most incredible episode… nice work, guys!! Cheers from Brazil!
will vanessa go out with rose and come out to herself as a gay with rose
I love this series solo much! I’m totally hooked. I’m digging seeing Rose with someone like Claire. I think Claire is helping Rose to really be herself. Lets face it Vanessa would have never made out with Rose at the movies ;-). But Vanessa’s acting was superb! When she shouted at her mom I don’t know who I am I was crying because she just seems to be in such torment over her feelings for Rose. I can’t wait for the next episode! Keep up the awesome work!
vanessa loves a rose?
And I got informed that Vanessa’s last episode was in the previous season. I love that she’s back and now it seems like she has gotten much more depth too.
I can’t remember who the girl is who pushed Rose.
It’s the same girl from the Out With Doubts episode.
Thanks I went back and watched the episode again. Just to refresh my memory.
Teeeeaaaam VANESSA
What Vanessa’s is going through right now is the worst thing ever. Being in love with your best friend and not being able to even talk to her. Having parents that wont let you be yourself… The scene when she started crying at Kenny’s shoulder, tho.. This was the most heartbreaking episode so far.
This show has so many levels, it’s grand 🙂
I’m a long time fan of the series and I have to say this has been the most powerful episode yet, the acting, the characters, the story it all fits in perfectly. Man alive! I Love this show. 😃
Holy shit, what an episode! Lindsay’s acting is astounding. I Wish Vanessa’s parents knew how much they contradict themselves. I hope she does move out, because I can’t stand them. “You’re going to be happy young lady, if we have to tie you to a chair!”
The case of Vanessa is common in religious families and very complicated. She is facing a very difficult process and although Rose follow with your life, Vanessa before be your first love was your best friend and deserves be supported for Rose.
On the other hand Vanessa is the first love of Rose and the first love don’t forget never… therefore Rose should stay with vanessa!
But i don’t forget Claire. She is very sweet and she deserves find a new girlfriend that love her really ( and doesn’t have heart divided like Rose)
P.S.: I’m sorry some mistakes in my english. I’ am portuguese and languages don’t be my strong…
all the feels… I’m team vanessa and this episode made me tear up. hoping to have an episode soon that gives more hope for rose and vanessa to be together instead of claire.. claire in my opinion is just too awkward as a person.
omg i am so torn this one had me tearing up and everything. My heart breaks for Vanessa. I mean im happy for rose and claire cause i like claire but man this one just made me tear cause vanessa heart is breaking over knowing rose is moveing on and reliazing she loves rose and whats rose to be with her. I can relate to this so much. I was in same situation not to long ago like vanessa rose and claires and having a mom who at first didnt want me to be myself and i had to hide and pretend and be very unhappy. but now i am free and happy. and claire is right coming out never ends i just started a new job and had to come out all over again.y must yall have me so torn cause i dont know who to chose to end up with rose lol. this show is really good and cant wait to see what happens.
I just hope that vanessa parents will understand when the next.episode comes
I luv a good meaty story line. As Shrek says “we are like an onion multiple layers to us” (s/thin like that lol)
In 10 mins of this, I teared up, laughed, smiled and teared up again. nice work.
Man… being out is really hard… is truth what Claire says… a gay person has to be comming out everyday… I Understand Vanessa also… Geez… this story just keeps getting and getting under my skin deeper and deeper… thank you, as always, you really don’t know how much this means to me ( to us…) 🙂
This for me was the best episode yet vanessa struggle with her sexuality was exactly like mine and dealing with religious parents on top of it doesnt help but one day i just knew i wanted to be happy im not fully out to my family but i have one parent down and one more to go its like claire said its a process and i prepared to face it so i hope as the episodes go on that vanessa gets the courage too
Is there a chance that Vanessa is….bi?? I mean, I think she just loves Rose, but could love guys too. I think it would make sense…and we need more characters/people on our team!
Yeah I kinda thought the same! It’s a possibility but she really need some help,her parents are so ughhh
have a great day!
hi… i was thinking the same thing… her character may be bi — but in the first episode when the two were laying on the bed, telling truths.. didnt vanessa say to rose that she has never thought about guys in that way… etc or something…and didnt rose say that she thought vanessa always knew who she was… or something like that… waiting with baited breath for ep 6…:) then we gotta wait till after christmas! i just donated 3 dollars!~ that’ll buy someone a they can edit for one more hour!