The night of “Dining In & Out” and “Storming In & Out” continues, when Rose and Claire decide to escape the messy real world by going to the movies. Nothing says escape like the swashbuckling adventures of Pete Winning and the Pirates.
Big thanks to our friends at Encore Cinemas who let us film at their box office and lobby.
You can watch Pete Winning and the Pirates too, see below!
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Kate Conway as Rose
Caitlynne Medrek as Claire
Jonathan Robbins as Nathan
guest starring
Kyle Stewart as David
Hannah Vanden Boomen as the movie patron
Music Composed, Produced and Performed by:
Adrian Ellis
Created, Written and Directed by:
Jason Leaver
I’m wearing the cheesiest smile right now, someone might wonder what’s wrong with me. lol
I have written another review!
me encanta la escena del cine, no se limita al beso, las miradas son muy emotivas
Aww… Rose and Claire look so cute together. I’m a bit unsure about the girl in behind. She looks a bit surprised at first, but the she smiles. I tough she though it was cute or something.
If I was going out with someone who I liked, I would have sat down on the back row, so we could kiss undisturbed. The back row is for making out…
Watched Pete Winning and the pirates now… great show. I hope to see more of that. Funny how two web shows kind of intervine in this way 🙂
greetz from melting Kathrin in Cologne/ Germany
I love the cute little flirting in the movies. It is adorable to watch which is why I’ve watched it like 15 times.
OMG these episodes are so short but so good im am 100% team Vanessa but gosh Claire is so cute in her truthpaste ways lol cant wait for the new episode ps i hope that girl doesn’t mess with rose and claire
OMG im the same way i want Vanessa to be with rose more than anything like the have grew up and loved each other all their lives and now that love has grew into something more beautiful i think its amazing. im so team Vanessa but im glad Claire is there to give rose the emotional affection she needs
I think the girl spying is gonna bring trouble at school. Caitlynne makes me smile she always looks as though she is about 1 sec. away from smiling, even during the kissing scene 😉
That’s exact what I was thinking that girl is only going to bring problems for Rose and Claire at school 🙁 but I am happy that they are moving forward in their relationship. Even though I do miss Vanessa 🙁 it’s a bitter sweet feeling.
LOL – Rick Dalton 🙂