Choosing the Composer and Getting Into the Industry

Choosing the Composer and Getting Into the Industry

Composer Adrian Ellis and Director Jason leaver respond to the question: “I want to become a composer when I’m older and I just wanted to ask how difficult was it to choose the right composer to score for your series? I want to write film soundtracks when I’m older and wanted to know how difficult an industry it is to get into.”

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The lesbian entertainment, news and culture website approached Out With Dad about doing some interviews with myself and the cast. In our first interview on CherryGrrl is this week’s featured article on their site. The Q&A is with myself and...
Out with Matt Carter

Out with Matt Carter

The all-new entertainment web site just posted an article about our second season: “Jason Leaver shares thoughts on ‘Out With Dad’ season two”. Check it out! We’re really excited about this, as Matt Carter was the first web journalist...