We have the best fans. Seriously, we do! As you know, we need a budget for season three. Thanks to so many, many people, we’re well on our way! The people on our Thank You page represent just a few of the amazing people who have donated.
We receive donations on a regular basis, which is AMAZING. It’s no secret that I love to update our thank you page, like I did this morning!
But, I don’t put everyone on the thank you page…
You see, many people would rather not have their name displayed. For some, having their name on a web site with LGBT themes could be a problem for them. That is why I take the position that people would rather not be thanked publicly, unless otherwise stated. That’s why, on our /contribute page the default option when filling in the donate form for “Add me to the Thank You Wall”, is set to No. When you donate, only I will see your name and I won’t share it with anyone else unless you change the selection to Yes.
If you accidentally didn’t switch it to Yes, and you wished you did – just tell me! Send me a message using the form at the bottom of the Thank You page, I’ll add your name to to the page as quick as I can.
If you’ve been following my Twitter Feed, you’ll know I’ve been writing up a storm. It’s going to be our best season yet. As soon as I’m finished writing my first draft of season three (almost done!!), producer Eric Taylor and I can analyze it and figure out our required budget. We think it’s important to share that with you and add a progress bar on our /contribute page. We just can’t put one there until we know our total!
To all of our contributors: THANK YOU. Our next season is going to be our best yet, and it’s going to happen because of YOU.
Jason Leaver
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