We’re very proud to announce that we’ve been nominated by the Indie Intertubes in two categories. The first is Best Show To Recommend to Your Mother (or Dad?) category. And we’re among many great other series who were nominated by you guys: Audience Choice. Thank you everyone!!
Please visit front page of indieintertube.tv to vote for Out With Dad and your other favourite webseries. You can vote as many times as you’d like every half hour.
We’re really proud of the Recommend to Your Mother category because that is precisely one of reasons I pursued making Out With Dad. I want, really want, mothers and fathers to be watching this show. Out With Dad truly is a series to recommend to your parents.
Two years ago when I discovered there were no positive examples of parents with LGBT kids in the media (to speak of) – I sought out to correct that. One of the most common comments we hear is about Nathan and what a great dad he is. “I wish my dad was like that” is something we hear daily.
Thanks Destini and Shadhavar for your consideration.
That’s a nliecy made answer to a challenging question