As mentioned on Facebook & Twitter, we have some good news and bad news regarding our next episode. Nearly everyone said they wanted the bad news first. So here goes. (deep breath…)
||The Bad News|Heading|||
I regret to inform you that minisode 2×06 “Working It Out” will be the last episode of Out With Dad for 2011. Please consider it our mid-season finale, just like the networks do!
Why? As you know, Out With Dad is a labour of love for all of us involved. Yet, it costs us all money and time… and we’ve stretched ourselves very thin with our ambitious second season. That is why we’re going to need your help! Watch out for our fund raising campaign to support the rest of season two, and beyond!
On behalf of all of us who make Out With Dad, thank you for your understanding. We’ll be back before you know it.
||The Good News|Heading|||
Think I forgot to share the good news? As it happens, minisode 2×06, “Working it Out”, won’t be a minisode at all. It’ll be a full length episode! In fact: it will be our longest episode ever! What a way to go out, right?
||Out With Dad tomara un pequeño descanso hasta el nuevo año||||
Como se mencionó en Facebook y Twitter, tenemos algunas buenas y malas noticias sobre nuestro próximo episodio. Casi todos dijeron que querían las malas noticias primero. Así que aquí va…
||Las Malas Noticias|Heading|||
Lamento informarles que el “mini-sodio” 2 × 06 “Working It Out” será el último episodio de Out With Dad por el año 2011. Por favor, consideralo nuestro final de la media-temporada.
Preguntan por qué? Como saben,Out With Dad es una obra de amor para todos los que participamos. Sin embargo, nos cuesta dinero y tiempo … y nos hemos extendido con nuestra segunda temporada tan ambiciosa. Es por eso que vamos a necesitar su ayuda! Estén pendientes de nuestra campaña de recaudación de fondos para apoyar al resto de la segunda temporada, y más allá!
En nombre de todos los que hacemos Out With Dad, gracias por su comprensión. Regresaremos cuanto antes!
||Las Buenas Noticias|Heading|||
Creo que se me olvidó de compartir las buenas noticias! Como suele suceder, “mini-sodio” 2 × 06, “Working it Out”, no será un “mini-sodio” en absoluto. Sera un episodio de larga duración! De hecho, será nuestro episodio mas largo! Qué manera de terminar, verdad?
this would be such a shame if you couldn’t go beyond S2. It was a great ‘show’ and seemed to offer a different, down to earth, and perhaps more relate-able view of gay issues. I liked that it wasn’t over dramatized, over hyped (a la Hollywood efforts), and it seemed to show some genuine confusion/learning/exploring going on Vs. the clear cut stereotypes (flamboyant gays, disappointed father, uber-jocks, etc.).
I’m surprised that in the midst of the whole “It Gets Better” campaigns etc. funding for this type of positive, but not necessarily lecturing, condescending, or even anti-religious programming couldn’t be found. Again, such a shame.
Best of luck with you future endeavors, and kudos on a job well done so far.
(Note: whether relevant or not, I feel I should mention, I’m not personally gay, and while I have gay friends I haven’t been part of anyone’s coming out process. I just think as a societal issue, this kind of programing is valuable… and again I appreciated that it wasn’t extreme/stereotypical/cliche/condescending/etc.)
I’m so crushed to hear this but I completely understand! I can’t wait for the next episode and hopefully Vanessa and Rose will actually interact in this next episode. 😀 Do you know when you’ll be back next year or is that undecided??
p.s. Thank you for making such an awesome series thus far and I look forward to your return!
That is really sad but I’m glad the episode will be long, I’m praying that everything will be alright for everyone (except for Vanessa’s mum of course). And that it won’t end on an incredibly annoying cliff-hanger 😉 Na, that would be cool.
I understand about the money, myself and a few friends tried to make a web series a couple of months ago and it failed spectacularly. Thank the lord yours was good, why do I say good, I mean fantastic!
I wish the best of luck for you all in the future of the web series.
Michael Casey
Nooooo!!!! i understand, but don’t like, this it’s too sad, isn’t a bad news is a catastrophe OMG, how much money you need for continue this amazing webserie??
I will try to do something about the money, i dont have a credit card and i live in mexico, but i will do something to send money to the production soon 🙂