||Guest writer: Kate Conway (Rose)|SmallType|||

(L-R) Sound recordist Brendon Smith, actor Will Conlon, key grip Josh Ary, actor Kate Conway, production manager Rebecca Rynsoever. Brendon and Rebecca, while performing their respective duties, were also stand-ins for "Head Nathan" and "Head Rose".
I must admit, I was more nervous than any other time we filmed ANYTHING. I’m a newbie film actress learning the ropes of the film process. This scene shot using various special effects to bring two versions of myself was a very frightening thought. Was I really prepared to handle this? Once we make it to the Oakville movie theatre, I am comforted by the lovely cast and crew who always make me feel like one of the posse. The very first order of business is organizing the lineup of extras that were fortunately brought to us by Will (dad/Nathan). There is a ton of people and 90% know Will. I guess he’s a pretty popular guy. My initial discomfort is then addressed with free popcorn and fountain pop provided by the theatre. Food is always comforting for me. I now have everything I need. I am officially ready to work.
In my mind, the shot list goes on for miles. We are scheduled to go till 4 in the morning. If anything goes slightly wrong, that timeframe is extended. Setting up the lighting is the first difficult task that is holding up the schedule. The production crew is getting pretty imaginative in their solutions. Meanwhile, Will is telling me about his standup comedy and other personal projects. Not only is he popular, he is quite creative. And he never, I mean NEVER stops telling me jokes. It really helps pass the time between settings up shots.
We were constantly switching between the “real” self and “brain” self. It was hard to remember what I did in each shot, because I knew it had to sync up with what the other self was going to do. Jason is very helpful with direction so I eventually find my footing with each shot. However, time ticks away and I am getting gradually more exhausted. It isn’t long until I get into that tired-giddy mood that used to kick in at about 3 in the morning at elementary school sleeps-overs. Everything is funny and I find it hard to focus. But I have to, it’s already 3 and there is still a ton to do.
At 4am, I’m ready to cry. I have visions of marshmallowley soft pillows and cashmere sheets. Not that I actually sleep on that, but it’s a nice thought when you’re that tired. 5am…6am…WE ARE ALMOST DONE. Cast and crew are desperately waiting for the last shot on the list. I must admit, the words “that’s a wrap” have never sounded so sweet!
Without struggle, there is ultimately no reward. I cannot describe how happy I was driving home to Toronto in a car full some of my favourite people in the world, all of us ready to drop. We had all made it through the night and thanks to the genius of everyone involved, had a really sweet scene to look forward to. It’s one of those moments in my life that I will never forget and always cherish.
Great article my little girl! (Kate)
Love, Dad (Will)
P.S. Adrian how did you know my super-name? InvisiWill. Actually i just realized something…the name of the movie they’re seeing is “Where there’s a Will, there’s a William”…which is technically true in this scene…
Ah, almost like being there. Nice work, Kate! The hard work definitely paid off – the scene works so well and seamlessly. While composing, I was working with rough cut with the effect roughed in, and parts of ‘Head’ Will kept disappearing into the background. Invisiwill – he’s even entertaining in post.
It was a brilliant scene. You two (four?) performed beautifully. This whole episode has been your strongest showing yet.
Thanks for your perspective Kate. That was certainly a long night of shooting but it certainly paid off in the finished product, which worked beautifully on screen. Just as I look at the clip again, is that Rebecca beside Kate as we see the cinema scene for the first time?? Also, I think the slightly tired look gives Kate an edge 🙂 Thanks to everyone who works so hard to bring us this story.
Your sacrifice is much appreciated and your reward is a great episode. I have to say the best so far. Thanks for giving me a little insight into what it’s like for the actors to shoot a scene like this. Your description makes me feel like I could have been an extra watching the whole thing. If the acting thing doesn’t work out for you, you can always design marshmallowley pillows and cashmere sheets!