1.01 “Rose with Vanessa”
As part of our countdown to our season 2 premiere, Kate Conway (“Rose”) discusses the process of filming Out With Dad, and her reaction to seeing Out With Dad for the first time: “The anticipation of seeing episode one for the first time was very...
Episode 8
“Out with Kenny” Coming out isn’t easy… even when you practice. This is the final episode of our first season of episodes. We’ve really enjoyed making them for you, and will be looking forward to begin production of a second batch. When?...
Episode 7
“Chemistry with Vanessa” In this penultimate episode of season one, things are shaping up for Rose.

Episode 6
A bonus minisode. Nothing like a spot of tea to make everything better. The conclusion of Rose & Nathan’s nights out.
Our regular schedule is to debut new episodes every other Thursday. This being such as short one, we decided the wait for it should be short too.

Episode 5
Nathan (Will Conlon) is out on a blind date with Angela (Kelly Marie-Murtha).
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